与相宜装备配套后,用于手术中、手术后的血水、废液等引流、吸引使用。由软管和毗连件组成。能在引流导管与引流装置之间毗连,使之组成密闭的引流系统。不直接接触人体。非无菌提供(如在无菌情形下使用,使用前应经灭菌处置赏罚),一ci性使用。 Used in conjunction with suitable equipment for drainage and suction of blood, fluids, and waste during and after surgery.Comprises tubing and connectors.Connects the drainage catheter to the drainage device, forming a closed drainage system.Does not directly contact the body.Non-sterile (should be sterilized if used in a sterile environment). Intended for single use.